Bringing Crypto Trading to a Wider Global Audience Beyond Seasoned Industry Players


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Headquartered in Hong Kong, CryptoLocally is a global, decentralised peer-to-peer crypto trading platform that lets buyer trade in any size, any location, many currencies and payment methods. Offering the fastest, safest and cheapest way to get in and out of crypto, their goal is to bring crypto trading to a wider audience beyond seasoned industry players.

Making the platform easily understood by layman is our first call of duty. And that is why besides running a google display ad campaign, we also strategised a micro influencer (MI) campaign partnering with over 150 MIs to drive awareness and generate leads leveraging user-centric contents. After all, to explain something to first-timers, there’s no better choice than using first-timers.

For the google display ads strategy, we designed a dozen different layouts each for ad hoc, new product and regular branding campaigns based on product push, competitor and keyword performance analyses. Constantly checking on bounce rate, traffic and user quality of each ad layout, we were able to zero in on the best-performing ads. By the end of one and a half month, the ads converted 2-3% potential users to download the app, yet with extremely high bounce rate.

The MI campaign that was being implemented simultaneously was doing much better. Partnering with over 150 MIs ranging from fresh graduate, foodies, wine and fashion connoisseurs with 1k to 5k followers, we asked each MI to record the authentic experience of how they gain 10-fold returns using CryptoLocally in one week, and share it with their followers. We then fine-tuned the list of partnerships and campaigns (a dozen in total plus AB testings) by focusing on those that generated higher quality leads that led to conversions. By around half a year, MI strategy managed to achieve 10% conversion with a bounce rate of around 60%. The results were incredible

The results were incredible. Cryptototally got the buzz they wanted to generate, the conversions they craved as well as the savings the needed.

Conversion Vs CPM

Blue line denotes conversion from July 1 to Dec 30. Red line denotes spending per thousand impressions. As you can see, once the “micro-influencer” campagin kicked in around September we’re able to see a major drop in cost and a big climb in conversion.

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Hong Kong